Monday, October 10, 2011

September mostly...

We've been busy around here. As always.
But things are going to start calming down. 
We are going to get back on a routine-- going to bed before midnight and all. 
Parker is going to eat a well balanced meal, have clean clothes on, and bathe regularly from now on.

I promise. 

Well, anyways- here are some pics of what we've been up to. 

We had a GREAT visit with my brother and his family. I loved having them here SOOO much. Until they left, when I remembered how much I miss being with my family.
 The last few days have been {cold} around here- but at least PK looked adoreable in his hat. 
{And Jed thought buying that hat last summer was a waste! tsk. tsk}

We went to the BYU homecoming parade! We got a lot of candy- and a beach ball! This could be one of our last for awhile- so I made sure we were there (2 hours early apparently- but that's okay)
Parker outgrew his rear-facing car seat- so here he is sitting like a big boy!
{He sure loves that! He smiles a HUGE grin every time he gets in there!}
We got to meet baby Reed! Oh man! He's adoreable! 
So was when PK hugged him. 
But I missed it- so we tried it again, and this time he was a bit more apprehensive!

All in all, it has been a great few weeks/month. Parker has been fussy lately- a mix between staying up late, teething, and a cold. {greatest mom ever, right?}
So, this is how everyday today was: 

But come on! He's even cute when he's crying, Aubrey.
UM. no. :) 


Laney said...

He's still cute when he cries, but that's probably cause I am not the one to hear it ;)

Dalynne Denhof said...

Looks like September was a fun month! I like that picture of you, Aaron, Matt, and brings back some {good} childhood memories Ü and Parker is a cutie when he cries, how could mama get upset with that face?!